
1,99 Monthly
Espacio NVMe 10GB
Ancho de Banda: Ilimitado
Sitios Web: 5
Bases de Datos 5
Cuentas FTP 2
Cuentas eMail: 5
Panel cPanel
Servidor LiteSpeed
Recursos 1 vCore, 1GB RAM


3,99 Monthly
Espacio NVMe 25GB
Ancho de Banda: Ilimitado
Sitios Web: 15
Bases de Datos 5
Cuentas FTP 10
Cuentas eMail: 25
Panel cPanel
Servidor LiteSpeed
Recursos 2 vCore, 2GB RAM


6,99 Monthly
Espacio NVMe 75GB
Ancho de Banda: Ilimitado
Sitios Web: Ilimitados
Bases de Datos Ilimitadas
Cuentas FTP Ilimitadas
Cuentas eMail: Ilimitadas
Panel cPanel
Servidor LiteSpeed
Recursos 2 vCore, 2GB RAM

Free Daily Backups

Your website is backed up daily. In the event of a disaster situation, we will be able to restore your website.

99.9% Uptime Gurantee

Our custom-built servers and self-healing cloud setup prevent lag and downtime while maximizing reliability.

30 days Money-Back Guarantee

Test our servers and fall in love with us, or if you decide to leave - receive all your money back!
One-Click Apps

Launch and manage 400+ apps with single click!

It takes a single click to launch WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Opencart, Magento, Prestashop, or any other favorite content management system (CMS) from a library of 400+ website creation tools.

Hosting Web with AntiDDoS - Launch and manage 400+ apps with single click!
Awesome Client Interfaces

Super easy control panel to manage all your services

With our easy-to-use Control Panel, you can manage all of your products in one place. From servers and websites to mailboxes and billing, you can have things set up in no time and edit your settings with just a few clicks.
Hosting Web with AntiDDoS - Super easy control panel to manage all your services
How Can I Use Shared Hosting?

Hosting packages are great for loads of projects, whatever your skill level

Hosting Web with AntiDDoS - Hosting packages are great for loads of projects, whatever your skill level
Hosting Web with AntiDDoS - Hosting packages are great for loads of projects, whatever your skill level
Hosting Web with AntiDDoS - Hosting packages are great for loads of projects, whatever your skill level
Develop With Ease

Developer friendly shared hosting

Host Multiple Sites

Add as many additional sites as you need with Premium and Business packages. Optimize your hosting fees by grouping less resource-intensive sites under one account.

Multiple PHP Versions

Need a different PHP version for a specific website? You can set the PHP version for each of your sites via SPanel.

Easy Git Integration

Git is preinstalled on our servers. Use it to create repositories of your website, which you can later access, download and edit on multiple local branches using Git

Easy Staging Tool

We’ve developed a tool that creates a copy of your site, allows you to work on the testing site, and then push the changes to your live site with confidence - in one click!

Free SSH & Secure FTP

Smoother development flows with secure SSH and SFTP access to your shared hosting server. Login to the server using your most favorite tools.

Manage Users & Collaborators

Set up proper access for each user, collaborator, or server administrator with multi-layer admin management.